Comment Policy

Jul 26th, 2012

You are welcome to comment on NLIR posts or pages and by doing so you agree to the NLIR comment policy.

  • Opinion is welcome. You can disagree as much you like but personal abuse of authors, or other users, will not be tolerated.
  • We encourage the use of proper English. If using correct and proper grammar is too much of a chore you are welcome to leave a comment on another site. Text speak may on occasion be tolerated, such as lol etc, but we discourage the use of text shortening such as ‘u’ ‘yh’ ‘da’ when ‘you’ ‘yes’ and ‘the’ take barely an additional second to type.
  • Swear words are fine but do not use sexist, racist, homophobic or prejudiced language of any kind. The word ‘yid’ is not considered acceptable on NLIR as a descriptive for a Spud.
  • Trolls will find themselves locked in a dungeon and their personal effects removed from under the bridge they previously resided under.
  • You may use an avatar (use Gravatar to set up yours), alternatively a default NLIR logo will used for those without gravatars.
  • We reserve the right to edit/delete comments as we see fit. We may correct your English if you insist on using lazy text speak.

How to comment using HTML

Welcome to my comments reference page. I hope to give you a quick tutorial in basic HTML to make commenting on the site easier. (You can of course comment without using HTML, just type and press submit)

The < and > symbols are known as ‘lesser than’ and ‘greater than’ symbols, respectively. In HTML, we call them “tags.” Tags tell the computer how you want the information between the opening tag and the closing tag displayed on-screen. When you open a tag, you MUST close the tag or your formatting will apply to everything beyond the opening tag. Tags, in use, look like this (note–you won’t see them displayed in your posted message, but they must be typed in when you write your post.):

<b> tells the computer to display text between the tags in bold. <b> is the bold tag, and </b> closes the bold tag. You must use the ‘ / ‘ symbol before the letter in the closing tag. Anything else won’t format correctly.

Some common codes for you to use, remember to put < and > around the letter to begin that command, and </> around the letter to tell the HTML to stop applying the command.

<b> This would appear in bold type. </b>

<i> This would appear in italic type. </i>

<u> This would appear underlined. </u>

<quoteblock> This would create a quote box in case you wish to quote a line of text from a post or from a comment. </quoteblock>

To post a link, use this code: <A HREF=””>Name of webpage here</A> ‘A’ means ‘anchor’ and HREF is the URL reference. Make sure you put http:// in front of the webpage address. If you put in “” it’ll try to find a file named “” on our domain. And </A> is the close tag.

To post an image, use this code: <IMG SRC=””> To find the full URL of a photo already posted to the web if you’re using a PC, right-click on the photo, select “Properties,” and then copy the entire URL, including the http:// part. To find the full URL of a photo already posted to the web if you’re using a Mac, left click and you’ll get a pull-down menu. Click on page info and you’ll get a new window that includes photo information. Copy the entire URL, including the http:// part. IMG means image, SRC means source. And make sure you put the full address (URL) including http:// for the picture, otherwise it won’t display correctly. You don’t need to close this tag with ” / “.

I hope that this helps and encourages you to write more comments. I read every single comment that is posted to my site and try my best to respond to each one.

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